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1.     Define a purpose? Give students a purpose for reading/literacy (not just to complete homework, but to clarify the context of the reading)?

2.     Activate prior knowledge? Establish the students’ background knowledge and/or add to it before they read?

3.     Identify the source? Help students know how to identify the source and evaluate its reliability?

4.     Preview the structure?  Point out how the piece is structured (ie. chapter heading, titles, subheadings, bold words, vocabulary, etc…)?

5.     Preview graphics? Point out or show students how to integrate and use graphics, pictures, and captions in their understanding of the text?

6.     Gradually release responsibility so they take accountability for pre-reading strategies?


1.  Frayer Vocabulary Square Template from ASCD

2.  Frayer Vocabulary Math Sample from Diana Metsisto

3.  Predicting and Confirming Activity from Dr. Katie McKnight's Big Book of Graphic Organizers.

4.  KWL Template

5.  Anticipation Guide - Science Reaction Rates

6.  Vocabulary Wheel Template from ASCD

7.  Graphic Organizer for Interpreting Primary Sources adapted from Building Literacy in Social Studies 2007

8.  Word Family Trees by Doug Buehl

9.  Picture Walk adapted from Seminole County Public Schools Site for SHS

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