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1.  Find a quiet place to read and limit distractions?

2.  Become an active reader and maintain focus?

3.  Use multiple strategies to figure out meaning of unknown vocabulary? (e.g. context             clues, text features, graphics, pictures, and word association)

4.  Repeatedly think about the purpose for the reading, its structure, and graphics?

5.  Break down complex written sentences into more manageable pieces?

6.  Rephrase a section or complex sentence into his/her own words?

7.  Find ways to make connections between what has been read and unit targets?

8.  Ask questions and take purposeful notes?

9.  Make predictions while reading?

10.  Summarize and/or paraphrase what is being read?

11. Reread sections when they do not understand the material or to get a deeper                      understanding of the text?

12. Put the reading in context (i.e. Find the main idea of the text and identify the                        supporting evidence/arguments)?

13. Make connections? (e.g. personal, real-world, contemporary, other texts, historical)

1.  Gist Strategy from SHS Applied Arts

2.  Play Analysis/Performance Self Questioning Reading Taxonomy from SHS Fine Arts (based on Doug Buehl's Reading Taxonomy Strategy

3.  To Kill A Mockingbird Model Self Questioning Reading Taxonomy from SHS Communication Arts (based on Doug Buehl's Rdg Taxonomy Strategy

4.  Save the Last Word Reading/Discussion from Doug Buehl

5.  SQRQCQ Math Strategy from Diana Metsisto

6.  Big Idea and Supporting Evidence Strategy - Science Circulatory/Respiratory Homeostasis from SHS Science

7.  Frayer Vocabulary Squares - Genetics from SHS Science

8.  Monitoring Inner Reading Voice Template adapted from Cris Tovani for SHS Special Ed

9. Quoting, Paraphrasing, Summarizing Template from SHS Special Ed

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